Posted on 02/04/2019

Congratulations to the APHS GREAT DEBATERS for Another BIG win on Saturday For 

The Asbury Park High School Debate team competed in their final regular tournament of the season. The team reached two incredible milestones.  Debaters Icelyn Griffith and En’Niah Preston won 7th place in the advanced division.  This is the first time an APHS Great Debate Team has placed in this highly competitive division.  In addition, the team of Christlie Lavarin and Lucero Ruiz placed 11th in the tournament.  Our team is also competing in the Urban Debate Championships for the first time in APHS debate history.  The Great Debaters who qualified for the championship in April are: Christlie Lavarin, Lucero Ruiz, Jasmin Carter, Meliza Garcia and Deicie Vasquez.  Also, Iceyln Griffith and En’Niah Preston will be competing in the advanced division.  The team is extremely busy preparing for the 45th Annual Harvard Tournament in Cambridge Massachusetts on President’s Weekend—February 15-18, 2019. 

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